Friday April, 8, 2011

The National Guild of Piano Teachers auditions for 2011 were held on April 8th, at River Hills community church.

Students participating included: Alex Wilson, Luisa Schenk, Gabe White, Emma Lindsey, Alyssa Lindsey, Kenneth Lindsey, Delaney Quin, Peighton Quin, Justin Klazinga, Abigail Klazinga, Aaron Klazinga, Joanna Klazinga, Dae Bigach, Hannah Bonney, Grace Mooney, Blake Turner, Brice Turner, Nicholas Harris, Grayson Trowbridge, Raeann Thomas, Gillian Deese, Lauren Williams, Mirie Ahn, and Harry Snow.

Adjudicator for the event was Debra Bridges from Wagram, NC.

In Picture: Adjucicator Debra Bridges with Alyssa, Kenneth, and Emma Lindsey

In Picture: Adjuducator Debra Bridges and Gillian Deese

In Picture: Adjuducator Debra Bridges with the Klazinga's- Aaron, Joanna, Justin, and Abigail

In Picture: Adjuducator Debra Bridges with Grayson Trowbridge.

In Picture: Adjuducator Debra Bridges with Delaney and Peighton Quin

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